What is the baseline when measuring financial performance of a retrofit energy efficiency action?
You are measuring the performance of an energy efficiency program. Multiple interacting energy conservation measures have been implemented in the building. Which IPMVP option would be most suited?
You are measuring a retrofit energy conservation measure. The values of relevant parameters are well known : eg the operating hours of the equipment are available from the operating schedule of the plant. The equipment concerned was equipped with a submeter both before and after the retrofit. Which IPMVP option would be most suited?
Which of the following calculations of savings is recommended by IPMVP?
Which method would you use to measure a variable load?
IPMVP is intended to prescribe contractual terms between buyers and sellers of efficiency services, and to help in the selection of a measurement and verification approach that best matches the project costs and savings magnitude, technology specific requirements, and risk allocation between the buyer and seller.
The financial value of your savings will depend on how much you pay for energy, and how those payments are calculated. To forecast or express the energy savings in financial terms, what will you'll also need to consider?
The following data was collected about a production machine. At the end of week 1 a retrofit energy efficiency implementation was performed on the machine. Based on this data, has the retrofit improved the performance of the machine? Consumption measured in week 1: 4,000 kWh Production output in week 1: 200 units Consumption measured in week 2: 5,000 kWh Production output in week 2: 300 units
Which of the following factors can impact savings achieved by a retrofit?:
Adjustments typically fall into two categories: routine and non-routine. Routine adjustments are adjustments for changes in parameters that can be expected to happen throughout the post-retrofit period, and for which, a relationship with the energy use/demand can be identified. These are often seasonal or cyclical.
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