Research Project Control System - مشاريع بحثية في الكنترول1 للدراسات العليا وطلبة الجامعات بكلية الهندسة


The purpose of the research project is to learn how to formulate a given problem and to experience how to solve such problem using their existing knowledge / programming tools as well as exploring the relevant information from different sources (library, web search…etc). The students will build confidence in solving unknown but relevant problems in the area of interest and will improve their research skills.

Research Project Scope:

This research project aims at deriving the mathematical model of one of the project titles below with the help of Block Diagram reduction technique. In addition, study of time response of the system understudy is required, by comparing with first or second order system, and get all the values of the times response characteristics.

After studying the transient response, it is also required to study the steady state error and
the stability of the system under study.

Project Titles:

Research Project Control System - مشاريع بحثية في الكنترول1 للدراسات العليا وطلبة الجامعات بكلية الهندسة
  • 1. Cruise control
  • 2. Speed Control by Armature controlled DC motor for Unmanned Ground Vehicle
  • (UGV)
  • 3. Speed Control by Field controlled DC motor Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV)
  • 4. Position Control by Armature controlled DC motor Unmanned Ground Vehicle
  • (UGV)
  • 5. Position Control by Field controlled DC motor Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV)
  • 6. Antenna Azimuth
  • 7. Suspension system of a vehicle.

Project Tasks:

  • 1. [30 %] Derive the system mathematical model by using Block diagram technique if
  • possible. (sketches are required)
  • 2. [20 %] Study of time response of the system understudy and getting all the values of
  • the times response characteristics.
  • 3. [20 %] study the steady state error of the system
  • 4. [20 %] study the stability of the system using Routh criteria.
  • 5. [10 %] consider technical writing and formatting as required.

General Instructions:

  • 1. Each researching project must be fill with students, equality preferred.
  • 2. The number of pages for each project is 10-14 pages.
  • 3. Any inquires for any project, the student can contact the professor of course with
  • Microsoft teams, or E-mail.
  • Project Selection criteria:
  • • First booking


• The Research report should be written in 14-size font with a 1.15 line space
and should have a technical paper format: abstract, introduction, main body,
conclusions, and references.

معايير عامة لبحث كنترول 1 لطلبة باور هندسة الشروق 

1 .اسم الملف المرفوع من الطالب يتكون من { كود المادة }
2 .الملف بدون عالمات داخيله )Header or Footer )او اى عالمه مائية
3 .الملف بدون غالف
4 .الملف بصيغة PDF
5 .رفع بحث واحد لكل مادة لكل طالب
6 .الحد األقصى للملف المرفوع MB 2.
7 .توقيتات رفع االبحاث وتنظيمها بين المعاهد :

  • أ- المعهد العالى للحاسبات من الساعه 12 ظهرأ حتى الساعه 6 مساءآ
  • ب- المعهد العالى لالعالم من الساعه 7 مساءآ حتى الساعه 1 صباحآ
  • ت- المعهد العالى للهندسه حتى الساعه 12 ظهرآ

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تباعد السطور