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تدريب صيفي لطلاب كلية الهندسة و الادارة لمدة 3 شهور للصفوف الثاني و الثالث و الرابع
Siemens Egypt is excited to announce that we are now accepting applications for our "Best in Class" summer internship program. We are seeking bright students from different universities to be enrolled in our three-month internship program. This is a great opportunity for second, third and fourth year engineering or business students to gain valuable practical experience. We will be offering internships across departments including engineering, management, procurement and site work. Selection for the “Best in Class” internship program is conducted based on each applicant’s field of interest. For those who are interested, please send your CV to Careergateway.mea@siemens.com and type "BIC Program 2017" in the email’s subject. Deadline for submission is Thursday, April 13, 2017.
For Applying
لتقدم في التدريب هتبعت ال CV بتاعك على الايميل ده
ا Careergateway.mea@siemens.com
وتكتب فى الموضوع
Subject : BIC Program 2017
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